Singapore International Early-childhood Education Certified System (SIEECS) is aimed at certification of international professional industry standards and curriculum systems customized for early education for infants and toddlers at the age of 0-3 worldwide.

SIEECS is the world’s only widely recognized early childhood education certification system which perfectly combines Asian and Western early childhood education concepts and the only authoritative certification in the field of early childhood education for infants and toddlers at the age of 0-3 in Asia.

SIEECS represents Singapore’s global top early childhood education level and empirical results, its authority, scientificity and specialization have been highly recognized by the educational circles in the world, especially British system countries, and it has been widely promoted.

SIEECS has been strictly certified by the international standard ISO9001 and ISO/IEC17024 system, representing the its top level of infant education and experience, and its authority, science and professionalism have been highly recognized and widely promoted by the global education community, especially in the British system countries.